Monday, July 16, 2012



So in recent weeks "Us" die hard NY Knicks fans have been playing close attention to the sports news. There have been a level of excitment and disaappoint within days of signings of new players and failure to sign star players already within the organization. The NBA free agency frenzy clocked started on July 3rd, and the Knick were granted early "Bird Rights" to Jeremey Lin and Steve Novak early. The Knicks went out and signed new free agent point guard Jason Kidd was acquired to be a metor to Jeremy Lin, and they also signed former Knicks star Marcus Camby as well. Things look to be shaping up in Knicks land adding more experience to a much needed Knicks team.

But we are talking about the knicks right?! What would life be in Knick world without a little "drama"? So not everything you hear is all good when it comes to the Knicks, and so the saying goes "All good things seem to come to and end". So the drama begins starting last week when the Hoston Rockets offered Jeremy Lin a $25 million dollar contract offer, coming from a team who initally waived Lin last year in which the Knicks were able to sign him and thus began the "Lin-Sanity" era in NY last season.

 But it seems as if the Knicks were going to match any offere made by the Rockets. But oh! How we are all mistaken! It seems as if The terms of the Rocket contract are more complicated than we know. It seems as if the Rockets will pay $5 million for the first and second year of the contact and a cool $15 million in the third year of the contact forcing the Knicks to basically withdraw from Linsanity sweepstakes. The Knicks will not be able match that offer because it will mean that the Knicks have to pay a total of $30 million over the luxuary tax. Some players on the team feel that it's not worth paying one player over $30 million in his 3 year of his contact, which many people including current Knicks star Carmelo Anthony says the current offer to Lin by the Rockets is quote  "Ridiculous!". So was the Rockets playing the Knicks a little knowing they weren't going to get J.Lin and just wanted to up the offer out of spite?! It seems as if The Rockets may be getting their wish after all.

So reports have indicated that the Knicks are not going to further pursue Jeremy Lin and have already signed former PG Raymond Felton in a sign and trade deal with the Trailblazers also getting former Knicks star Kurt Thomas back. The Knicks feel that Lin will do what he has to do to get his big money contract else where and the Knicks are planning to do what they must do and move on in the situation and sign players that will fill that void left by J.Lin. The Knicks will have until tomorrow night ( 11:59pm, est. to be exact! ) to match that offer or else Lin can sign with the Rockets. Does jeremy really want to end up in H town where he will not get the same ytype of love as he did back in  Madison Square Garden?! Thing couldn't get more worst right?! Wrong! As of last night more bad news follwed as J.Kidd was involved in DWI incident in The Hamptons causing a quite stir this past weekend.  

So should Knicks still sign Jeremy Lin? Or should they allow him to walk and let Jeremy Lin go for the money he wants and sign with the Rockets? Well whatever happens stay Tuned this is not over by any means!


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