Monday, July 9, 2012



Usher's stepson, Kyle Glover, was declared brain dead Monday morning after an accident. The 11-year-old boy was tubing on Lake Lanier in Georgia on Friday, when he and a friend were run over by a man on a personal watercraft, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Glover and the other victim were airlifted to a hospital. Glover has not shown any signs of brain activity since his admission, according to his doctors. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources reported that alcohol was not involved, but officials still don't know how the crash occurred. DNR agents have identified the operator of the personal watercraft but have not released his name, reports gossip website TMZ.

Investigators intend to recreate the accident using computer models to determine what happened. Based on their findings, they may or may not recommend that the district attorney press charges. But even if there aren't criminal charges, Usher and his ex-wife Tameka Foster may still choose to bring a civil suit against the personal watercraft's operator. Glover's physical injuries are the most likely basis for a lawsuit, but based on his condition they might also sue for loss of consortium of a child.

A claim for loss of consortium is typically raised by the spouse of an injured victim. It seeks compensation for the lost ability to have a normal married relationship after an injury. If raised by Usher, the claim could refer to the lost relationship between parent and child as a direct result of the accident.Even if Glover eventually wakes up, chances are he'll be a very different child. The fact that his parents likely won't be able to continue a normal parent-child relationship because of the accident could be another basis for a potential claim of loss of consortium of a child.

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