(SUMMER 2014)
I can’t lie, if you would have asked a few years ago, “if I
would rock a soccer Jersey?” my answer would be “No!” Honestly, I’m not the
biggest soccer fan in the world and in NYC Soccer comes in 5th place
behind (Baseball, Basket Ball, US Football, and Hockey) Plus I would only see guys of Mexican origin on the
train rocking them and I would assume they play for some amateur soccer team straight
of Flushing Queens, NY. Now maybe I was
a little bias, or slightly ignorant or maybe both! But my curiosity for such
sports attire changed when I watched the 2012 Summer Olympics, and saw that the US Men’s
and Women’s Soccer teams don some pretty nifty gear during the games. But there
are other sure fire jersey, such as Brazil, Germany, Argentina, Mexico,
Colombia, Ecuador, Portugal, Italia, and more!

But still I wasn’t totally sold on me actually getting jersey.
But this has all changed during the “2014 World Cup” games in Brazil. Nike, Adidas,
and Puma has produced some really nice jersey’s for all fans (Male, female, and
Kids too). So let me be the first to apologize and say that “Soccer not only
for people that play amateur soccer leagues within the city only!” These jerseys
are DOPE!” Too bad my US team are gone form the tournament, but I must say they
looked pretty stud wearing the RED, WHITE, and BLUE for our country! But it also seems that the World Cup Phenomenon
has swept through the US especially here in NYC, as I see many people wearing
such jerseys from their native home land or their parents’ home land. It has
definitely taken the US by storm!

If you would like to purchase jerseys like these below you can search on line for them thru site such as (Nike.com, Adidas.com or Puma.com) or any fine retailer that has them for retail ($60 - $90), but that’s if you can still find any left? Last I checked they were sold out in many stores here in NYC so Good Luck!!!
Photo Credit: Nike Inc., Adidas Inc., Puma. Inc.
#Hashtag's#: #WorldCup,
#WorldCupGear, #NikeWC, #AdidasWC, #PumaWC, #WorldCupFresh, #UrbanMessStyle
#UrbanMessSports, #UrbanMessFashion